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Been meaning to do a blog about this for a little while now. Don’t think I’ve really gone into it too much before, but I could be repeating myself a little, so perhaps this is more for my own peace of mind.

I wanted to explain the reason for painting one of my frames white. Unfortunately, the pictures aren’t that great for a comparison, as I stupidly didn’t take a photo of the unpainted frame displayed on a white wall.

However, I’m sure I mentioned why I painted this one monochrome blue, so i won’t go into that, it is literally the frame that changes the whole dynamic of this piece.

There have been conflicting opinions on doing this and I did have my reservations going ahead with painting it, but I think it completely works this way rather than being unpainted.

I guess with this piece, the definition I’d use is one of muddying the boundaries between painting and object.

If it were an object, it would generally be unframed, but as a painting, it would generally be framed. Painting the frame white and allowing this frame to be absorbed into the surrounding wall space makes it unclear. You have to look a bit closer to see that it is actually there, especially in the photos, and this allows the monochrome surface to sink in and out of being objectness and vice versa, painting.