Here is a painted version of another of the rooms at Eltham Palace.
I applied large areas of smooth paint to flatten the perspective and make the space appear indinstinct and unreal.
Again I used colours similar to those in Weischer’s Untitled, to add a contemporary atmosphere to the old-fashioned interior.
I also applied the paint thinly in some areas, to make it appear as if parts of the interior were fading away.
The black, inky shadows were designed to add an extra appearance of strangeness to the interior, and were partly inspired by the heavy shadows that often appear in the paintings of Francis Bacon. These black shadows often sit beside insubstantial figures, reversing the amount of emphasis and strength normally given to reprsentations of figures in relation to shadows.
This gives the images a disturbed sense of normality, in giving these over-emphasised shadows a presence similar to that of a figure. This is an effect which I also attempted to create in my picture, making the over-dark shadows appear almost alive against the sometimes fading colours of the interior.