Ive been engrossed within penis making and creating the throne recently, but always in the back of my mind the trap chairs have been niggling me, I’m not happy with their overall look.

I have decided to alter them. The first one I have set about changing first is the gin trap chair.

I have bent out the legs and added extensions onto the rear legs to give the illusion of someone on all fours. The purpose of this is to detract attention from the animal trap. I intend to paint this piece in a cliché girly pink offering it up as a stark metaphor.

I like the power of this piece, I think its because I know the power and brutality of the gin trap. I’ve struggled to pull it back and set it and seen it test fire. Its very powerful.


A colleague of mine told me when I first suggested about the fetishism chair that he had some real,PVC material that i could have.

it arrived today. I really like it. its such a tactile material its smooth and shiny but your hand sticks to it if you pull across it.

In the picture it looks rippled, however once its pulled tight it becomes flawless.


This video shows a snippet of Marie Chouinard’s piece, bODY_rEMIX/ gOLDBERG_vARIATIONS.

The “Canadian choreographer whose work is known for its sexually voyeuristic content. Early performance events saw her urinating and masturbating on stage and auctioning herself off for the night to audience members.”

The performance piece bODY_rEMIX, to me is a highly sexual and suggestive piece. The dancers are all nude, save for, nipple cups, swaddle cloth-like under wear and S&M harnesses and usually enhanced with a crutch or two.

Crutches are used as phallic replacements. One section where a man on crutches, with a crutch affixed to his groin walks up to a clothes rack and proceeds to slap the crutch off the top. This to me suggests intercourse.

The performance is a surreal one. The soundtrack of cannibalized Bach only adds to this surrealism, as does the blatant fetishism.

The relevance I feel to my work again is the use of metaphors for genitalia and intercourse.


A small piece of bODY_rEMIX/ gOLDBERG_vARIATIONS by Marie Chouinard