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Following on from recent posts about promiscuity i thought i would look at this in more detail because as this project progresses and rapidly approaches its finish its clear to me that I’m addressing other underlying issues other than my blatant prejudice of women.

Promiscuity then is the act of having casual sex with multiple sexual partners. A good example of promiscuity in our culture is the one-night stand. This however differs from culture to culture.

Feminist’s, traditionally have argued that there is a double standard for men and women. With the women being branded a ‘slut’, while her male counterpart is hailed as a ‘stud’. I side with the feminists on this. Surely what’s good for one should be good for the other.

Female promiscuity is a recurring theme in mythologies and religions. In Greek mythology, nymphs are portrayed as dangerous nature spirits sexually uninhibited with humans; hence, the Victorian medical term nymphomania. Female promiscuity features heavily in the bible. It was also a sign that a female was a witch.

Why is it that still in our modern culture women that promiscuous women are always demonized?

Women with partners feel threatened by these women. They fear that they may loose their partner to this sexually free women with no strings attached.

Men may also feel threatened by the promiscuous women she, essentially is taking what is his. He should be preying and collecting conquests, she should be one of his not the other way round. The hunter has become the hunted. Change is bad.

“Evolutionary psychologists propose that a conditional human tendency for promiscuity is inherited from hunter-gatherer ancestors. Promiscuity increases the likelihood of having children, and thus evolutionary fitness. Female promiscuity is advantageous in that it allows females to choose fathers for their children who have better genes than their mate, to ensure better care for their offspring, have more children, and as a form of fertility insurance. “

(Anthony Browne Women are promiscuous, naturally. Scientists now believe infidelity is a genetic mechanism for creation of healthy children. The Observer, September 3, 2000.)

I know that this must all sound odd coming from a male however its just my views on the realization I have gained as this project progresses.