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I bought my first goldfish recently. It died, so I bought another one.

Since I’ve had the fish I’ve been thinking about memory span and how fish supposedly only have a 3 second memory.

This one also died!

I’ve wanted to put a fish in a teacup, alive, as a piece since last year, when I was working ona project about domestic violence. This would have been unethical to keep the fish in a confined space, but I felt that now that the fish wasnt alive there wasnt anything stopping me from giving the idea a go – the idea that the fish is frozen inside the teacup is interesting as it has memorialised a moment.

I effectively constructed a mock fish bowl inside the teacup. I used some stones from outside as gravel and a sprig of rosemary as a plant, which is also significant as rosemary tea is said to improve short term memory.

The first time I tried this was with a resin kit bought from the range and the catalyst percentage was very low and was not hardening as quiclky as I needed it to, as when resin turns to a jelly consistency it is then that it it easiest to position items in the resin. I used the correct type the second time which made it much easier to do.

I used a piece of thin wood to spear the fish with and put the bottom of the stick in the gravel to keep the fish upright and look as if it is swimming.

I had some resin left over which I used to put in one of the key vaccum formed plastics as an experiment.