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I have been working with my MRI scan images and have so far made them into a stop motion video. I have also been experimenting with using a projector and mirrors to see what kind of effect this has on the images.

The mirror is made from plastic and therefore distorts the image rather uniquely, making it look like a group of cells or a woven piece of fabric.

I felt that the edges of the projection were unpredictable and ragged once reflected so i am unsure as to whether to use them or not for the degree show.

We tried angling the projector in different positions and then thought it would be interesting to see what it looked like projected onto a door. THis looked really effective and i liked the way the image was broken up by the gap in the door and landed on the wall behind the door also.

We then tried projecting the text on the MRI onto my face to see how this looked and it came out really well, especially the ones of the brain in the background.

The text is significant as this represents how the mind races and the thought pattern. The image in itself evokes the idea of memory, as it is an image of the human brain, and this leads on to the idea of mental health and psychiatry which are subjects that I am fascinated by.