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This is the final painting of the Lana Del Rey portrait which is titled ‘Falling Into The Abyss’ which captured someone who is becoming lost to the world that she lives in. The still really captures the emotion that I wanted to achieve. Eventhough it was taken from a music video I feel that it seems like a genuine emotion.

When people watch films, that seems to trigger emotions from people eventhough it’s all acted and not real. Film music is a big part of a film and I think that helps set the envionment of certain scenes, so I will experiment painting all different emotions and try create a sound piece, using piano and other instruments to make my paintings come more alive. Hung up I wanted the painting to have an impact on the viewer. The lighting was an important part of the hanging as I was particular of what works best with the painting. In the dark the painting does have a creppy, haunting look to it, other people have mentioned this aswell. Next step is to experiment with more colours and still figure out how I could use sound with my work.