I have been further distressing the cardboard as an experiment. I have completely torn a piece of corrugated cardboard into 9 sections and have used a variety of methods and mediums to create a portrait.
These have included:
*Acrylic Paint – BlackWhite
*Colouring Pencil
I have been giving more thought into the language of cardboard and my treatment of it. Tears, distress and damage, missing pieces, dislocation, staining, deterioration, these all offer me opportunities and options to bring added physical and psychological layers to my work.
So far am happy with the results of this approach. I am considering the possibility of scaling the work up using much larger pieces of cardboard, this will perhaps take more planning but the prospect holds a lot of potential.
The question is, which has more impact, a small number of large scale works or a large number of small scale works?
Is this way of creating a portrait more powerful than the traditional approach?
I must not lose sight of the fact that the subject matter must take precedence.