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Paul Bennett

This is an artist that I have been looking at recently. Paul Bennett specialises in semi-abstract paintings and unique portraiture, Bennett relys on drawing from memory to create his abstract works and this is something I can relate to as a lot of the work I create is made from memory rather than copying directly from an image. His abstract landscape paintings are what I am most interested in as I find his use of colour and texture most interesting.

Bennett’s seascape artist statement:

‘Oil paint is the medium that plays a big part in capturing the essence of a faded memory and lends itself nicely to the way I paint. It works well when applied thickly and can create great depth when worked into the surface sparingly, which leaves previous layers partially exposed. The paint is applied in this way to give the artwork itself a narrative and history, where the process of its creation can be glimpsed at in places – not dissimilar to the way in which the memory deals with the hazy recollection of a place once visited.’

So far I have only been working with acrylic paint, however I want to start experimenting with oil paint to try get more texture within my paintings.
