I spent the morning in my studio space today, I started off by testing some acrylic colours in my sketch book and oil paints onto a small canvas board.
Like I said before, for me to progress I need to get out of my sketch book and paint on a larger canvas, which is what I ended up doing this morning. I wasnt sure how I wanted it to look when it was finished as I wasnt working directly from an image. I was still pretty much experimenting but on a larger scale, although I knew I wanted a painting that looked slightly abstract that kept in with the seascape theme. I wanted to create an atmosphere within the painting by building up texture and layers of paint.
I think by creating more work on a larger scale like this (instead of working in a small sketch book) I will improve on my techique and learn what works well and does not work as well. However I am really pleased with how this painting turned out!