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Over the weekend I finally took some of my own images at Harwich beach. The main reasons for taking my own images is that if I am going to be taking inspiration from pictures some of them should really be my own. Also I want to use my own images as a reference for colours and composition.

Things I was thinking about when taking the photographs:

Composition – I didn’t want to have lots of photos of just sky and sea, I wanted to have a mixture of different things, so that when I am painting I can look to these photos for composition inspiration and take different things from different images.

Horizon – Something I have been thinking about is where I place the horizon in my paintings. When taking these photos I wanted to try and get a variation of where the horizon sits within the picture.

Balance – The balance in the photos links in with the placing of the horizon. For example I wanted photos that had more sky than sea, so the horizon would be nearer the bottom of the image, making it look top heavy and vice versa. I also wanted some pictures where there was an even balance between sky and sea and the horizon sits in the middle of the image.

Colours – In the photos I wanted to try and capture the different colours within a natural seascape. When I am painting I can then look to these photos for colour inspiration.