Continuing painting…
I think my painting is progressing well, though I think I’ve hit a bit of a dead end. I often work on a painting until everything that I think should be changed is- this isn’t, so far as it goes, a bad quality but with my paintings I need to learn to stop. I often leave them overworked and muddy and I feel that this isn’t far off. My intension with this painting is to look at colour in as many different ways as possible. But by wanting to do this I have, inadvertently, end up with a piece where the finished product doesn’t really explore colour at all. At least not to me.
I think through each stage/ layer of the painting I have done my best to and was at some stages successful. By after building the painting up layer by layer trying to achieve, explore different areas I think I have unfortunately not achieved anything- in terms of the final visual l outcome. On the positive side I have learned not to over work my painting and maybe to explore only one of two concepts at a time- Not everything on one painting!
I decided to cut this painting in half. Coincedentally the colours on each half worked better together than they did on the orignal whlole. However i am still going to piant over them both to try to develop them some more.