And so…

Over the last two semesters, I have been interested in the idea of using waste materials (both organic and artificial) to create an installation which comments on society’s relationship with the natural world and other organisms.


Alomst everywhere that I go I see discarded packaging. There is an abundance of it. How it gets there is a mystery. Whether its carelessness, or a lack of respect I don’t know…

What I do know is that even though there have been reports of it polluting our environment, there is one upside…

Its free.

Now I’m not saying that is my only reason for using waste materials.

I believe that it is better to re-use than to recycle, and I want to demonstrate this to others.


So where to start?

For a long time I was trying to discover what I wanted my artwork to stand for, and more importantly, what messages I want my audience to experience.

After analysing my previous works and the works which have strongly influenced me throughout my course, I have realised that Social, Moral and Political values have captured my attention within the world of art – Especially when connected to environmental issues.


The main focus of my project is Ecology, where I am interested in the relationships between organisms, and how they react to their Environment, whether natural, or artificial.

I am particularly fascinated in society’s relationship to the natural world, and how our actions can cause dramatic effects amongst other species.

The aims of my work are to address global issues, in order to increase awarness, and hopefully inspire others to work on innovative solutions.

I would like my work to create positive change within society, trying to steer away from the usual fear mongering tactics, and find ways to motivate others to activley work towards improving our way of life. (Not just for humanity, but for other organisms effected by our urban development.)

I suppose I want to evoke my audience to question the way that society is being managed, and the direction that we are heading in.

I believe that due to our ever increasing population, that our simplest actions could have considerable impacts, and therefore we should always consider the consequences.

Just how we have the power to make positive changes though, we could always potentially cause more damage, and therefore we must have the correct reasons, research and responsibility before taking action.

To be continued…