When making my dog sculpture i felt abit emotional towards it which was very unexpected. I was fine until i started covering the head (imparticular where the eyes would be situated) as i felt i was changing or removing the identity of my sculpture. I felt like i was blinding it in a way, suffocating it’s senses as if it was going through some kind of mummification. I have never felt this surge of emotion before when i have made work. The way i covered the eyes while standing infront of the sculpture just made me feel like i was mutilating it. I have changed it’s essence by covering it in masking tape and newspaper. It has changed from being just a skeleton to being more of a form of life. I felt sad and corrupt when working on the sculpture as i felt i was kind of betraying the sculpture by changing it’s form. I changed it because i wanted to and because i can. Such strange feelings, and well to be honest i dont know what i should do with them. I actually feel sad for my sculpture. The sculpture (obviously) cannot stop me from working on it, just as animals in abs cannot neccessarily help themselves. They dont have a voice. The sculpture has become helpless and a victim, somewhat, to my creativity. I definetly feel that i changed the identity of my sculpture but then maybe it will be for the best. Will have to see as it developes further.
University Campus Suffolk, Ipswich