In this post i have put up two images from my sketchbook. One is of my dog sculpture showing how i think it will look when finished. The ears are a very important part of the structure and so they will most likely be a larger than life addition to the sculpture. The reason for their important is because of how their ears are tattooed with an identification number and i feel this violates ones the most important features of a beagle. Their ears are large to help them track a scent on a trail. When their head in down the ears create a kind of scent barrier so they end up smelling the most amount. It is an integral part of their hunting nature that is mutilated when put in a lab.
The second image shows my idea for my next video in more visual terms instead of just text, like in a previous post. I am sure that it may change during the course of the recording as part of it depends of whether George is up for it on the day. I feel that in doing this next video i will be able to physically feel some aspects of what a beagle feels when bound and restricted of movement and freedom. I have chosen to use wool and ribbon in the binding as i want to show a craft element and a kind of softness to the video. I hope that this will not affect the video in the sense of making it too nicey nicey. I want this video to be the product of much research that i have done for this project which is no way nice to experience or watch. Moreover i want to show George being free from my bonds of love and dedication. I want to see his reaction to my situation within the space. I will also do a video without George so i can compare the two and see whether it makes a difference in having George present or not. I feel somewhat nervous about this piece as i am stepping out of my comfort zone. I am leaving my cosy, homely studio behind and using a white cube that already i feel is taking an effect over my mind. I look forward to seeing what emotions arise on the day.
I found an incredibly disturbing video on youtube to do with animal testing. A performance artist put herself in the animals shoes to raise awareness about cosmetic testing on animals. I cried through the whole video as i found it very difficult to watch. The woman is right in the video. If they put an animal the shop window then authorities would come and there, in my opinion, would end up being a riot. If people would be that passionate in those curcumstances then this cruel testing should be stopped in my opinion. This video really shows me how the when the tables can turn and can be horrific whether animal or humans in testing. I feel sick just thinking about it. Really hard video to watch. It has made me realise a line i dont want to cross, I dont want to inflict pain upon myself in my work and i definetly do not want to do a performance.
Lush Cosmetics petition against animal testing.