Just made a series of ink drawings responding to place for my college crit. We have a project space to show work in progress or present finished work as an exhibition. I have chosen to show work in process. All the work to do with the wood is part of the same piece, it is evolving and in process. Managed to get tennis elbow from too much brush painting! I hope the crit is useful on Tuesday. It will be useful for me to see the work up together as it is supposed to be seen that way and my studio space isn’t big enough.


This week has been about exploring presence and absence through drawing! I’ve been continuing with the 52 ink drawings in the woods, and am now re-making them in the studio. Re making the marks and adding colours from memory and intuition. This will be for a crit next week where I will hopefully get constructive feedback. (Pictures later as I’m on my daughters speedy new computer.)

I heard this on the channel 4 programme “Where is modern Art Now?” and thought it was a good quote

“Navigating the unknown is what artists do best.”