My computer has died, so no pictures this post. How do you balance the theory/writing with the art? Mybe its worse on an MA course, i just don’t seem to be able to flit seamlessly from writing to making. I have started doodleing words in my sketchbook maybe it will become a bridge between the world of intellect and spirit?!


Just beginning to realise how dissapointed I was with the pinhole camera failure. How much is bouncing back from these hiccups a part of having resilience as an artist? I recently read an interesting book. Hare brain, Tortoise Mind by Guy Claxton where, amongst other things he spoke about resilient learners, those that carried on dispite setbacks. I rekon that is what I shall be doing now. It is nice to write something without footnotes! We have started a series of seminars to support our essay writing. the seminars are great but the footnoting is not!

Another version of the one pinhole that worked.


The final stretch of the course is upon us and I have a sneaky feeling time is going to speed up from now until August and the final show. I am still wrapped up in experimental mode and resisting the idea of having to make decisions on the form of the final show.

I collected the pinhole cameras and dissapointingly only one (the one placed in a clearing in the woods) showed any image. They had been left for a month and I think the light levels were too low and alot got covered with snow, also the pin hole was maybe too small for the light levels. I was so looking forward to the results and travelled through icey conditions to fetch them. I will contine trying, it is part of the process afterall.

I did have one insight from the failed work. I realised the act of weathering on the film paper interested me as much as the image. I like the notion of the place having a part in the art. I like Carolyn Shepherd’s recent blog entry on a similar subject; the historical resonance of found materials.