Today is the day that marks the end of my degree: results day! I wasn’t expecting to find out while sitting in Wetherspoons waiting for my breakfast to arrive, but nevertheless, I’m pleased with my 2:1. Even better, I got a 1st for my dissertation, which is encouraging as I really would like to explore the writing route alongside my studio practice.

So, it seems this will be my final post for Degrees Unedited- a sad moment! Much as I can’t believe how fast the degree show went, it seems impossible that the trials and tribulations of third year have been documented in 26 posts. It has, however, been a thoroughly enjoyable and beneficial experience. I won’t bore you with this for too long, but I’d like to thank Richard for all his input and advice, Leo Fitzmaurice for choosing me to win a Bloggers’ Reward (it was a big confidence boost and I can’t wait to start my residency so I can get stuck into all those art materials), and to everyone that has read and commented. I start my residency in September and look forward to starting a postgrad blog documenting a whole new year of work.

For now, over and out.


Today is the last day the degree show is up- it’s gone so much faster than I anticipated! The last week or so has been so busy, and it’s been too long since I last posted.

Anyway, everything seems to have gone smoothly, and now it’s just time to take down all the work and wait for our results. I’ve learnt a lot about how exhibitions work from taking part in this one. DO be very organised and take control of your own work regarding networking and pricing, DON’T take chances when it comes to hanging your work and being sure whether it will stay on the wall or not (thankfully this applies to my friend’s work and not mine!).

Though I am proud of the show and really enjoyed the experience of being in it, in some ways it seems anticlimactic. The amount of thought, pressure and preparation that went into the three years of the degree, and especially the past 2 or 3 months, seems so out of proportion with the week that has just whizzed by! It’s almost as if we should have all our masses of support work and sketchbooks out to prove to the exhibition visitors that so much more has gone into it than meets the eye.

However, I don’t want to end on a negative note. I’ve drawn a lot of inspiration from the show that I can take onto the next stage- I feel proud of what we’ve all achieved, as well as prepared and excited about venturing into the world of the postgrad. I can’t ask for much more than that!