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My crit on Monday went pretty much as predicted. The major issue with the work that I presented was due to it being unfinished work presented as finished. This meant that there was a level of confusion over what was being looked at and how the work was supposed to be received. The title ‘Experiments With Gallery Design’ caused people to question if it was a proposal for work to come or was a fully resolved piece of work. There was more confusion caused by the floor plans on the wall, as the centre plan, which was of the structure that was partially built and partially marked out, was not in proportion to what was physically present.

I expected the work to be confusing. I do not see it as a resolved finished piece of work, more as a way for me to experiment with ideas. It was this that made it confusing. However, I have plenty of ideas to think about and lots of useful feedback on the presentation of my ideas that I can now continue to work on.

Over the next two weeks I want to look at two ideas that move away from physically altering a space and look at other aspects of the gallery that I have thought about during my research. These will be gallery guides and the chairs at the Dulwich Picture Gallery.