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I really enjoyed sewing the plastic together with the fabric, I think I like the idea of seeing the stuffing through the plastic. I also enjoyed and challenged myself to follow the patterns to sew it together. I think this is something that I might take further for degree show.

Someone said to me that I shouldn’t be so literal, or figurative, i.e. don’t make faces, make chickens, birds… because it stops people to read into them. His recommedention was to keep more abstract and to leave objects with the possibility of being seen with two meanings, i.e. the object that looks like a black and yellow penis could also be seen as some funny glasses…? (I agree to this I guess) He also thought that my work is not sculpture and more like props (this really messed my brain up and really really confused me!) He thought i should keep more abstract and using bits of this chicken and mabye doing them larger. But them there might not be anything funny about it. I’m still slightly confused about all, but I think I need to listen to myself and keep doing the things that are true to me.