i’ve got a cup of tea.

I’m feeling disappointed.

so I’m taking some time out to work through the disappointment.

what happened? i’ve been catching up on my visits journal, selecting, processing and printing images made by me and a camera. laying out the images I’ve discovered the stickyness of the ink catching on other images. a few now have remnants of other images. wow – now I’ve typed this up, I can see the benefits so it’s not so bad.

what is bad though, and I’m not sure if I’m alone here, is an uncomfortable feeling at printing out images that subsequently become altered and potentially unusable. something for me to consider at another point.

and in other news. we had a lovely young man come visit us today, so sweet in his attitude. he had a lovely camera and took photos of our work for inclusion in the catalogue. I was so surprised he didn’t have more equipment, he was very good with his light meter, very natty, it had a little turny round thing on top. very lovely.

I’m going to the knitting circle now.

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and relax.

bank holiday weekend, sun is out, i have time to catch up with myself and my blog.

i started a degree in response to asking myself how good i was. this has become how aware i am, through considering work made by those that went before me and those walking alongside me.

my practice is to find my language.

i’ve rejected the design led practice that was my career before study, retaining that knowledge to feed into my practice of now. the practice is experimental.

the most recent research find has been vito acconci. i remember him being mentioned on another blog before christmas. his early photographic work has interested me, it’s playful inquisitiveness and wonder at the environment around him drawing me into his world. his project in munich in the 90’s is the latest find.

other recent thoughts included thoughts about images made before christmas, how do they relate to the developing practice, as of course on a degree programme development of ideas and images is the driving force. i guess a strong image made before christmas is still a strong image after christmas.

and another recent thought is to do with this blog structure. the attraction of it to start with was a feeling of a level playing field. being able to add entries with no one being over watchful, as was happening within the degree programme. all the contributions felt on a level plain. since the unedited blogs now have an editor, the dynamics of this site site have altered for me. i have to feedback my feelings on this, as otherwise they will sit deep within me and cause an unnecessary thing what i don’t need.

and so to the main course.

i’m working hard to catch up my research into journals, no good having completed research visits and them not appearing anywhere in my journals.

i’m waiting to get confirmation of another location to work in for another development of the little film idea that has come out of the monument work.

i’ve added a maquette of the sculptural new media work called monument(2009) that will be my degree show piece.

i see from the 2009 degrees pamphlet that the derby show is called spotlight. i’ve had no say or chance to have input into this, so the feeling of disconnection is large. i think it shows the power of design right now. there might be a sub-title for the fine art show, i’ll let you know if there is.

with the professional practice module still to complete and the work to place in the space, as well as journal finishing, i’m hoping for a busy and productive time as i come to the completion of the investigation i began nearly three years ago.