when it all gets too much.
when it all gets too much, what does one do ? does one have a particular dvd to watch, a cd, a favourite place in the park to watch the world go by.
when it all gets too much, does one turn to the person being a bit of a pratt and say "you're being a bit of a pratt, get your stuff sorted coz you're not making this any easier for me and i don't know why i should be so accomadating"
when it all gets too much, does one admit to being tired as actually yesterday was an assesment and there had been a weeks worth of planning and work to present the research so far completed and actually that amount of focus and editting of stuff is actually quite knackering.
and as such the presentation was enjoyable and constructive and the effort put in is worth it as there is much more to talk about and questions raised which allow for answers and along the way there is a convincing that this stuff that is made doesn't just materialise from an imagination, but is in response to something viewed/heard or acquired.
did you see imagine last night? could you tell those that spoke honestly about what they did, and those that had to make something up as what they did was just to have fun with bits of kit, nothing wrong with that of course, i simply ask for integrity and honesty, not much to ask for, or is it ?