
about what though.

dissertation completed.

career in practice ongoing, needs time on it, starting to realise that time put into assembling the journal becoming of now, lessen the concern of not doing it.

making, on going explorations and thinking enjoyable, versions to show and discuss, need to think about the display.

research, on going, boingy, bouncey, fun – picture driven and snippets of writing. a system that works for me and it's enjoyable.

processing, become aware of need for processing from looking at the above list. there's lots of stuff i'm collecting, learning. need to process that info, edit and condense.

now i think of food.

1 Comment

is there more theatricality in visual art practice now than 10 years ago.

is theatricality a good thing for visual art.

if there is theatricality and we need to move on, where do we go next.

has visual art lost sight of the contemplative side of the work, lost in theatricals and entertainment, if so what now is the purpose of visual art.



the exhibition module has been described to us now. the engaged work now having a destination. with the work in assemblance of shape, thoughts of display become easier.

two tutorials today. finally they make sense, finally they are time to talk and learn. finally.

i sit with tea and cold feet, calm before another day of open mouth going whharrrrrrrrrrrr.

books now are collections of images, with a few words when i need them, books are friends again.


dear blog

i need to tell you stuff so i can clear it from my mind.

i've got some notes for a draft of a letter i think i might need to write.

each time this sort of thing happens i wonder if our evolution is backwards, even though we have fabulous new technology all the time to make everything so much more easier.

each time something likes this happens, up until yesterday, i would introvert myself. after yesterday, i see things differently. yesterday was worth the wait.

so here are my notes for you to look at:re: complaint about organisational and communication skills of full time staff impacting on student experience.

dear (insert dean’s name)

space to work within inside the university.

building works.

lack of communication about time scales.

reactionary tactics, not thought though before implimentation, conduct of member of staff blaming the student. same staff member not prepared ever to listen to student opinion.

lack of consideration of process, leaving situation that all concerned are upset with each other.

seemingly lack of consideration or care about word of mouth reputation of the institution from those running the institution.

inability to communicate within department, setting up confusion and resentment amoungst students.

from application for use of space to first email indication of progress, nine days: with a ‘we’ll get back to you soon’

p.s. dear blog. i hate days like this one. the focus on my work gets fuzzed and concentration becomes a problem. my education suffering.


crit yesterday.

went in feeling confident. showed the latest little film with documentation tagged on the end.

didn't expect the very positive responses.

still processing what was said.

i'm going home for a shower and a think and to stick stuff in my journals.

must get some more tea bags.