I have not been a great blogger so far. Things have been a little hectic for the last few weeks. My personal life has greatly affected my professional life and some devastating news has left me feeling creatively barren for a while. Hopefully college will put a stop to that and I can get myself back on track.

The Collective exhibition is gathering momentum and we only have a week to go until kick off. The Facebook launch of the event has gone a bit mad and over 1,500 invites have been sent out. So far only 100 or so have confirmed that they are coming. I am having visions of a crazy Facebook party and headlines in the Daily Mail! The shame!

I have only two more bowls to create and this recent spell of damp weather means that my plaster is taking a longer time to dry out than anticipated. I am getting pre-show jitters and am sure that my fellow artists at the Collective are getting a trifle impatient with me!

I nipped up to London on Friday to meet with an interior designer Virginia White. She has opened up a pop-up shop/gallery in Clerkenwell and it was interesting to see the prices on the artworks she had selected. I was feeling a little insecure about what price I should put on my works. Ginny explained that it is good not to be too greedy and, as I am trying to get a name for myself, it is best to sell my work and get it seen. Sage words and she approved of the prices that I have put on my works. www.virginiawhite.co.uk

Interestingly I met a photographer at the gallery – Lucinda Douglas-Menzies whose portraits have been in the National Portrait Gallery. Lucinda was charming and full of interesting hints – all duly noted.

We all registered at University last week and I bumped into a couple of old mates from my class as well as some newcomers. We all discussed our dissertations and it turns out that none of us have met the deadline for the proposal. I have just written mine so I will have something to hand in tomorrow but I am expecting a bit of a telling off!

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# 3 [3 September 2012]

Its nearly six in the morning and I have been awake for some time. This is the week before I start my final year at K College in Ashford, Kent. My mind is full of my dissertation and creative ideas not only do I have these things to ponder over but I am also taking part in an exhibition in London in four weeks time. This is giving me plenty of sleepless nights.

The forthcoming exhibition is called The Collective and once I have received the final invitation proof I will have a go posting it on this blog. We are six artists (all established apart from me!) whose talents range from abstract painting to photography and sculpture. This is my first big show outside my home county and to say that I am nervous would be something of an understatement!

Some of the artists that I will be showing with are listed below.

Maria de Haan who makes functional yet delicate tableware, she incorporates Japanese influences and inspirations from her travels abroad – check out her website www.noaceramics.com.

Sculptor Kim Francis started working as a jeweller and now sculpts beautiful naturalistic forms from marble, wood and ceramic – www.kimfrancis.com.

Brady and Clark’s bright abstract paintings are influenced by nature. They use paint in such an instinctive way that results in wondrous shapes and forms. www.bradyandclark.com.

Kimberly Thomas is an amazing illustrator who currently lives in Ibiza. Her work explores the beauty of line. Her website is currently under construction and I will add it another time.

Finally Tracey Taylor’s photography evokes a true feel of the island of Ibiza. As the official photographer of Ibiza Rocks she created some incredible images of the performers taking part in the festival. www.traceytaylorphotoart.com

As I become more familiar with the whole blog thing I will post some images! Now, the dissertation…