Finally, the show is over. We packed up The Collective last Sunday. A much quicker process than the ‘putting up’. It is a relief its over and life can continue as normal. I really enjoyed meeting new artists and listening to their stories and their advice. Both Maria de Haan and Kim Francis have become firm new friends and they will be putting their work into the pop-up shop that I am opening in Whitstable in December.

During the week that the show was on I met some very interesting people. The run-up to the private view was the most nerve wracking time of my life. I panicked over what to wear (it was in trendy Notting Hill and I am used to wearing wellies and knackered jeans). My chosen outfit had a rip in it and I was also panicking about what I would say and how to behave in front of potential buyers. I needn’t have been so scared. Everyone was lovely and all the feedback on the bowls was incredibly positive. I even got chatted up! He wasn’t my type – according to my husband!

After all the excitement its back to college now and its a little bit of a shock to the system. I have decided to write about phenomenology for my dissertation – a nice meaty subject that should keep me occupied. I have also been experimenting further with wax and have created some interesting flower species today in my studio. I was inspired by the show Metamorphosis in London last week. It featured the work of Kate Mccgwire and other artists. The curation was fantastic and I can really see the importance of good lighting. Something to remember for the end of year show.

It is hard to work in college at the moment so I am beavering away in my studio at home. I am very lucky to have a space – even if I share it with mice and mattresses! I like the flexibity working from home gives me. I tend to use college for the computers and library at the moment. Its a challenge splitting the time evenly and I think it is something I must address.

I hope you like the attached image…


Its been a pretty frantic week. Creating work to hang in my first show outside of Kent has been challenging when my mind has been on other things. The printer didn’t get hold of all my acrylic photographs on time. His supplier kept on sending scratched images that wouldn’t cut the mustard. This certainly didn’t help stress levels. Once I had made everything I could I then had to pack it up – no mean feat. I got through yards of bubble wrap. The children were desperate to roll all over it so it turned into a minor battle! We loaded up the car yesterday morning and headed off to London. The traffic was dreadful but being late wasn’t a problem as the previous occupants were still in the gallery – great! After a hot chocolate from across the road we set about unloading the cars; much to the delight of the bus drivers. I had a little show and tell session with the other artists exhibiting in the show. We slowly unwrapped key pieces and everyone said all the right things about each other’s work. Kim was particularly complimentary about my work and the feeling was definitely mutual. We discussed pricing and I told her that I was thinking of