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So many questions this week.

How do I get these budgies back into the cage?

Why do some people still think a mullet (the haircut, not the fish) is a good idea, and why do so many of them live in my village?

Why does the lollipop lady hate me?

Why oh why did Luke have to have an accident with the beard trimmer when I was so looking forward to seeing his Hulk Hogan moustache?

Why did I spend an unbelievably warm, sunny, beautiful day in February shut in a room on my own under fluorescent lights, chipping away at a wooden head?

And why did I never get around to recording any of my bass playing? I saw an ad for a female bassist – I could have had an audition lined up if I had something to show. At least I’d like to think so, and don’t need my bubble burst just yet, thanks. I was asked to sing at a gig in Essex on Saturday, but I turned it down, thinking that there just wouldn’t be enough time for fitting rehearsals into my university work schedule. I was right. I managed it last year, but this time it’s different. There’s no time for much else, really; there are of course my absolutely sacred extracurricular activities which everything uni-related has to fit around, but the other things, like driving for hours for auditions and rehearsals just has to wait until after June. I dread what the lack of practice has done to my playing… but in a few months I’ll have enough time to put myself into a trance with hours of repeated reggae bass lines.

I could do with a reggae-induced trance – it’s been a seriously cranky week. Rushing out of the studio with fifteen minutes to get back in time to do the school run puts me on edge, there’s no denying, but that’s not what riled me up. It’s having to be the management. After having to explain the catalogue production process and answer the same questions several times over – through a headache – on Monday, I only needed to get a whiff of more form-filling from one of the tutors on Tuesday to tell me I should run away. So I did. I could have taken over the bursary application personally, but I’ve got a wooden head in the sculpture room that looks nothing like it should, and not a lot of time left. So I left the application to someone else and offered consultation services instead… I think it’s been abandoned now. I almost felt bad about it. Almost. The truth is I’m not a natural pencil-pusher, and I’ve got a few too many forms to fill as it is.

At least I have an accomplice in Kate, our group’s go-to girl for graphic design. Seeing her versions of the cover and layout will surely increase my chirpiness levels! I’m desperate to get moving with it by next week. There’s also a rumour that one of our group has decided to drop out of the course; I guess we’ll have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to know for sure. If so, we’ll be down to eight. I wonder if this micro-show is a good or bad thing?