A couple of answers for you. Dont do an MA if you have to consider the needs of anyone else as you need to focus on you you you! The cost is not pleasant if you have to pay fees and that hurts on the material and the ideological fronts. Dont do an MA if you can't think of what else to do. You will know when you are ready and then it is important to go all out. It seems the two year part time and the one year full time have benefits in how and when your progress takes place (more intense and focused in one year v more time to reflect over two years). I knew something was up when Rodin's figurative work didn't seem to work anymore for me but Caro's work did; its hard to explain in this little box of words! Susan – about the factory space; if you are in the north east you are welcome to join me for the next one! otherwise if you email me I will send you the recipe. You just have to be persistant ad make things happen!!


The first year of doing the part time MA got me thinking. I underwent a period of guided deconstruction of the way I worked and thought; the theoretical studies supported this and got me thinking – differently, about context and representation. The focus on contemporary art also moved me up a couple of notches. I had realised that there was something wrong with the art and the artists I had always liked but I found it was difficult to pinpoint what it was. Now I know!