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Today is MUCH better! I feel almost optimistic despite there being a lot still to do in my space. However, the screen is up and mostly covered in tape. The projection looks brilliant with all the reflections it throws back from the tape. It is better than I hoped it would be after the small scale experiments. I am unsure whether it needs the additional sculptural elements in the space now though. They may get lost in the theatre of light and sound the screen and projection produce. To be honest, the fly in the positive ointment today is tutors giving last minute advice/direction. Especially when each one has a different approach and hence advice which contradicts that of their colleagues. Perhaps the point is that ultimately this is my degree show and my decision – these late comments are somewhat red herring in nature? Ultimately, the space and the piece will dictate where this work ends up. For now, I am going to end on the 'feeling positive' note. This feeling is epitomised by our lovely techs, Graham, Dave and Dave who have helped me enormously today. I would be a stressed, quivering wreck without them. They have experienced enough degree show preparations to find that level of hysteria amusing. I can appreciate that!