Saturday’s usually feel calmer than this. At the moment, I’m hiding in my bedroom as a plumber methodically rips out pipes and radiators from my lovely house. I am, to say the least, distressed by the whole thing.
But eventually I’m promised working heating and something to do with a wireless thermostat. Get me. Fancy.
Perhaps it wouldn’t get to me if I’d had a more productive week. I’ve been struggling with my figures, or they’ve been stuggling with me. It’s difficult to tell any more.
My main problem is that when you make a person, they immediatley become emotive, cunning little buggers. And since I’m trying to make a congregation of angry little blighters it’s proving difficult for them not to be a little overblown.
I made a lady, she was supposed to be glum, but she looks so ruddy pathetic. And when people come visit me at my desk, she’s the first thing they reach for.
“Awwwh” they croon “She’s so sweet!” Oh great, she’s sweet. Like a teddy bear. And no one won the turner prize for a teddy bear. Except Grayson Perry.
My mission for next week is to make all my figures less melodramatic, more human. Small order.