The second sawdust firing was better…the mixture of sawdust and wood shavings meant there was more air and the addition of some wax meant it fired up well. There was a lot of flame and then smoke. 24 hours later the kiln was cold and it was possible to remove the contents.
Returning to my scale plan for the micro exhibition that is my final show I am now considering about how to display the vessels. The space will probably be smaller than anticipated but necessary for circulation and has the consequence that there will be no room for the cylinders. They will need now to feature in the field photos in the sand dunes of North Devon. The constant shifting of plan within an overall context is to be expected.
Work on the text panel is progressing..and, after tussling for several days to find a suitable name for the show’s sponsor…the words came…
The Balinger Freight Corporation – logistics protection.