Viewing single post of blog University of the West of England

closing time,

re-setting failed buttons to type rope,

re-logging spaces that have become many iostopes,

re-imaging the what could have been done wrong better,

re-peating what i'd thought i'd got rid of,

re-hoping that metal and bricks match better that red paint and nylon string.

re-conceiving of the sunny days spent inside,

re-editing vice versa's the someone once loved

re-hashing the stuff that i forgot about,

re-amusing one thoughts that were too dark to mention

re-aquainting with friends i already know,

re-establishing sanity with morning cups of tea.

re-shifting a trunchen concrete stubborness.

re-fining mass conglomerations of forests and wide woodlands

re-focusing on a world that showed me black and white

re-meshing meshes that caught on my jacket

re-bruzing bruzes

re-faking fakes

re-telling stories
