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I’ve not managed to write as much as I hoped. It has been hard to find the time.

The installation is now finally under construction and I have been documenting the process each day…you can see those images on my facebook page


The whole process has been such a learning curve! So many different problems have come up. From sourcing materials without a budget, to time management, and actually being unable to construct the site specific installation on site until 3 days before opening!

But I feel that everyday I’m learning. And I think in many ways that is quite a huge part of the motivation.

I have a clear idea of what I want and a feeling that I want the work to evoke but at each stage of the process that idea gets challenged. It seems to be a battle to find solutions to make it work, but in the struggle to find solutions something really creative starts happening.

The initial idea begins to grow from something set to something more real, and more alive. It develops. And it seems like I have to let go of it in order to see possibilities and solutions that I couldn’t have possibly imagined before.