First 2 days of project – marking out.
No particular problems with the first of the two images. Simply measuring and marking and connecting point to point with a straight edge. Except of course, the straight edge is over 2.5 metres long – held arms outstretched, while kneeling 6 feet off the ground on a scaffold tower. If I've climbed that tower once, I've climbed it a hundred times. I must be getting old, muscles aching – mental note to get some knee pads.
Day 2 – First image marked out, beginning to block in first colours- after masking these areas off. Now, this is much more fun! although there's always a nagging worry that when masking is removed the base coat ends up being removed with it. Huge sigh of relief, on this occasion, no problem.
Next week – would like to mark out image 2 – so that I can alternate work as paint drying times dictate. Hope to have some photos to show.