Made great progress yesterday. All the wall-hung work is up so now plenty of time to try things out and titivate.
Still got my fold-out books to finish. They’re printed and folded but I need to finish off the covers and put them all together. There was a bit of time to do some of this late in the afternoon and when the cafe closed at the end of the day the sun terrace was the perfect place to work.
Oh the joys of B&B! I could happily live this life for a bit longer. Friendly little B&B, no-one to think about except me. TV, internet, books, bed and a cooked breakfast.
Will start hanging the work today. Got everything unpacked yesterday & found that my careful studying of the gallery plan seems to have paid off. I’ve got just about the right amount of work & may even choose to leave some of it out of the show if it’s better without – “less is more” as my studio-mate often reminds me.
I’ve still got some finishing off to do on my books though, so no time to be complacent. Better get started then.
I’m off. Stocked up with pills to leave for the cat, food for the family; the work’s (mostly) finished (there will be time for some in situ finalising when I get there); ferry’s booked – 12 o’clock; car’s loaded and I’m off.
Hopefully there will be more time to catch up with some blogging when I’m installed in my B&B with time and space to focus ONLY on the show. Sounds great.