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The last 24 hours have been eventful for me personally.  I finished making the small 254 calico boards, I got news of an unconditional offer to do my masters at Cheltenham, I’ve attended a – not known long – friend’s funeral, I’ve talked for the first time face-to-face with the Eisteddofod visual arts team and I have had treatment at the dentist (I find these visits hard, but it’s getting easier).

I am realising there are patterns of activity to my year – don’t necessarily get winter blues, but the way my activity lurches into action with the swallows arrival and the greening of the trees can’t be ignored.  I am environment sensitive – the wider environment and my immediate surroundings.  Now I have seen this I need to arrange things to carry me through the months between October and March, such as taking part in Art Rooms 2017 in Jan…and plan an exhibition or two to create more rhythm.

So, lots to take in, some things to celebrate and some to grieve, others to come to terms with and find ways to make the most of the way I am and where I am.