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Following on from a very practical 2 weeks this week has been based more on research and reading. Through exploring my own thoughts I often find myself with my mind ahead of the verbalisation of thought. There is a moment that occurs where one is between a thought and the understanding of that thought. The way the mind fumbles around its own thoughts paired with a refreshed interest in the feature of a hand in works I have begun to develop an idea for a video. As a hand struggles to grasp a piece of paper on a flat surface the mind struggles to grasp what it is already thinking. I would like to capture this moment on video, the hand exploring the behaviour of the paper. Even through thinking about this video I know that it will convey something but i am not set on what that is. It is a grasping of your own thoughts although this time they are visual. The development for works often materialise this way. There is a knowing and trusting in an idea that makes you follow through with it and when it then feeds back to you even more that you put into it a feeling of success arrises.


images of hand – red balls, balloon, hoverly, hand photos artist, hand exploring space artist. tim davies