Viewing single post of blog Westgate Studio Residency

One thing has been bothering me about this blog was the adjustment needed when using a different weblog. (I have been using a WordPress now for over 3 years and wasn’t really aware of how comfortable it had become until trying to adjust to a new weblog format.)

Employing a new structure really helped to high light how ingrained my work practice has become. Hope by trying new methods it will provide a better awareness of the established ones.

On Wednesdays visit the weather was more over cast with drizzly rain. I was interested that one view from Paula’s studio window was similar to that from mine in Durham; there is a steep road opposite.

Another thought was that in these building which have been used for retail that the views from the 1st floor up have been the property of those employed there, not the customer. The views from the studios are cracking.

I did find myself wondering about falling in to taking an expected type of studio photograph. Have to keep reminding myself that this is a process of building up a rapport with a specific place; that the images develop over visits. Similar to repeatedly drawing a place might.

I am also interested about the imprint these visits will leave on me.