So awake late with a cough, sorry for being cross just before xmas.
I have now reworked my design as requested. Again the commissioner just pushing me a little further than I would have gone.
Does my laziness show? or is it some kind of complacancy?
The latest blog at the top of the pile was asking about art in the current economy? It made me realise I only work for money. I will have to work for nothing if I want to explore my own inner world. Something I should have done by now? Get paid to explore your own mind…is that what artits do?
Anyway I did'nt come here to talk balkolcs about art, I came here to share something writen by M.C.Esher in 1945 pertaining to reality but hitting a button for me about history.
'Which reality is actually more powerfull: that of the present instantly absorbed by our senses and discernable, or the memory of what we experienced previously? Is the present truly more real than the past?
…… no, perhaps the past is more real then?
Dont ask Foucault, Derrida or Jean-Francois Lyotard because you wont be able to understand a single word and you might get confused.
Could'nt be bothered with with this today, history shistery who cares…?
spent too long tarting about on something else today to rework the design for this job.
I supose I better wish any readers a merry xmas, but dont enjoy it too much
I am going to have work on another project now and leave this one, as I have the time. The reworked design can wait a week or two.
The interesting thing is that the chosen design is the idea that was in my head when I was speaking at the interview. The weaving thing became apparent during the research, the relationship between the mosaic tile and the weavers knot, that unit building block is not really worth exploring as it is outside the point of this commision.
I am glad I did not find the time to do the 4th design as it probably would have been the one I wanted to make and the one of least interest to the commissioner.
This is about subject and content that everyone can relate to as they walk by. It is 'Public Art' and it is very much about craftmanship, good composition, clarity. Something I can only describe as civic, this is not a derogatory term. Citizenship is a very interesting area. (In fact it is also the point of my fish job as well).
It is not about me wanting to change my style of making mosaics. It is about doing them the same way.
I presented my options to the steering commitee and I enjoyed discusing the way forward. As usual I need to rework one option. The town history and as I anticipated in one of my earlier posts their were several missing elements. These I wrongly predicted.
What's missing is a hat, a pair of gloves and the bull rushes are not indicative enough of the river which passes through the town and I need to draw it the other way up so the gound is on the outside of the circle, not the inside……..narwattamean.
This reworked design will then be presented to the proper grown up committee of top jollies some time in Feb09. The architects also want the anti slip spec and tech data on the tiles, which I understand some of which is writen in french. I wondered if it was measured in french not english, ie two different measuring scales as we have with temperatures.
Anyway thats niether here nor there. Oh yeh I do have to put a particular building in as well. Its very tip toe, gentally does it this project.
Contractually I have to produce three options for this job. This one I've just done is where I start working from odd feelings, intuition, untangible thought processes, those things you like but cant really be intellectual or elloquant about.
I like patterns, I like the the fact that the boarder is more prominent than the images in the holes made by the travelling boarder. I like rugs as I said.
This analysis dosent get you through an MA degree but ar'nt you allowed to work from a sub conscious level. Does the artist need to justify intellectually what they do. The answer is yes it seems to me ….well give us a break dudes and history can gfill the gaps, if indeed you feel there are any?
The commission is very formal in some ways and I may even do a fourth design if I have the time which goes away from representational images of buildings and machinery. I have to present these drawings and some other diagrams to scale and stuff. Time is running out as I am full of fish at the moment as well.
But weaving is an interesting thing and I would like to explore this process, actually see how to create a simple pattern. even better I would like to make the dyes and colours myself. But I am paid to make a history mosaic of an expanding town in the Cottswolds not tart about with coloured yarns.
And anyway I havent got a loom and thats a bit too long winded for me too make as well.