14th March 2010.

Well I have had a couple of days to reflect on Fridays Seminar, and criticisms, thanks to Carolyn and Carol for your comments. I think on reflection that the criticism given was a good thing, even the negative criticism. When someone criticises your work you feel protective towards, even if you don’t necessarily like it yourself or that you can see faults. You don’t like other people pointing out these things too! I take on board the criticism given and understand the reason for it. It helps push you further, developing your techniques. I said earlier that I don’t know whether to change and do something else other than portraiture, however, i think that would be a bad move, as I have made a good progress and have really developed this year and it would be a waste to change now. There was a comment made about the hair on the Fiona painting, that it wasn’t right, it wasn’t exactly like Fiona’s, I think that that statement was very picky, If you look at the painting without the knowledge of what Fiona’s hair looks like then does it matter? I did have real trouble with the hair, and do take on board that I could have took more time on this and not rushed it. On the whole I think the criticism given was a good thing if you want to develop and challenge yourself further. I want to learn and the only way to do that is to take the criticism and utilise it well. So watch this space!!

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Seminar today at Gallery – Art History (12th March 2010)

Today we worked in groups of 4 and critiqued each other’s work. We also had input from Vinnie and Steve our tutors. I think we were kind to each other (students that is) with both positive and negative criticism.

The criticisms’ my fellow students gave me on my work, were that I had captured the character and personality of my subjects. There is definite evidence of improvement in my work and that they liked the texture and style of my work. The tutor’s comments where what stuck in my head the most and it’s funny I can’t remember all the exact details, but I feel quite deflated after the session. I acknowledge that I had trouble doing the hair on Fiona, and should have taken more time. Also a criticism is that the images looked a bit flat and unfinished. I take on board those comments and do acknowledge them.

I have enjoyed the learning process so far. Earlier Steve made the comment on how he was reading a blog of one of the students and they described that they were getting conflicting advice from the tutors, and that it was portrayed in negative way on the blog, instead of using it in appositive light. I think that maybe that was me, but not sure, I will have to read my earlier blogs. I do feel conflicted at present and I don’t know which direction to take. Do I concentrate on the difficult subject of portraiture, or do I change and study something else, before I go into my third year. I enjoy painting, but I also enjoy making things and maybe would like to explore the 3d aspect. So at the minute I am in a dilemma.

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Gallery Exhibition practice – Personal perspective

Sharon Ross

Installation day – Big day had arrived and a full turn out of students which was great. Three Tutors also in attendance. It was interesting to watch how the tutors worked through the paintings, looking for themes, matches, etc. What I didn’t realise was how painters there was in our group compared to last year’s gallery practice group. The paintings were put alongside the walls of the room. At first we had a go ourselves to see if we could come up with a workable theme. We had arranged it so all the portraits were on one wall, and all the landscapes were on another, with the abstract works on two other walls. It is not easy. It is about finding the right balance and volume in the works.

The themes that emerged were obviously – figurative – portrait work, fragmented body parts, urban and country landscape, abstract. The abstract was based upon urban city environment of Liverpool one. Also emerging was how different works could be matched by colours in the works.

The order of the works was finally decided, there was three installation works also which only two of them required to be placed in the centre of the room.

Placement of my work

My work was placed along the left hand wall as you come into the room. You can see the portrait of Fiona as you walk up the corridor to the gallery room. The portrait of Alan is next to my other work of Fiona.

Advantages of placement:

1. Prominent position. You can see it as you enter the room.

2. Good lighting over the canvases.

3. No obstructions, such as Installations.

4. Good space between different artists works.

5. No crowding of works.

Disadvantages of placement:

1. The portrait of Fiona covers a door in the wall (possible fire hose reel)

2. The line of the door might detract from the work displayed.

3. Personal note – feel my work is overshadowed by works either side, that is, I think the works either side of mine are much better.

4. Because of the prominent position, may feel inadequate, lack of confidence in ability, and of the work displayed in such a place (by the way I do!).



22nd Feb 2010

I have started a new picture today. It is another portrait, of a friend, in oil, canvas size 80 x 110cm.

I did a brief outline of prominent shapes in Fiona’s face, and then quickly started to lay down skin tones. I have noticed with Fiona’s face, that you can see yellows, blues and reds in her skin tone, even though she is fair skinned.

I have put my brush on a long stick in the attempt to help me loosen up my style in painting. I use this technique in my drawing and have really taken to it, so I thought I would try it in my painting. So far I like the results.

2nd March 2010

Well done a lot today, have made a right pig’s ear of the hair, but hopefully I have managed to sort that out, it certainly looks better now. I have tried to capture all the curls, and Fiona has different shades in her hair, such as blond, grey, brown and yellow.

Joe came to see me today at 121, which was great, as he gave me some good advice on my painting. So now I have to look at the lips again, they are a bit pouty, which I have started to correct. Also i need to work on and around the eyes. Also, the final touches around the face and neck, the correct shading and hopefully I will be finished!!! I hope.