Today is my day off. Next week is my week off. The management do not have the funds for all of the five artists for all of the five weeks; so a squad rotation policy is in place, kind of Rafa Benitez style.

This has worked very well as the dynamic between the combinations of personel is refreshing and I think it strenghtens the team. The bonding of the team is critical as the task is intense. Banter and topics for chatter are important.

At the end of my first week I was feeling OK, it was achievable.

Then I had a conversation with the caretaker/maintence guy. Real quality negativity. Plenty of quotes from his absent collegues on what a waste of time money effort and the whole thing was, it would be scraped up by a JCB in less than 6 months because it would be vandelised so completly it would become dangerous. At best we were providing a creche for the kids over the summer, which had it plus point. Only that it was an expensive way to provide a creche.

'Cheers…. have good weekend and I will see you next week'.

Caretakers, community wardens and call out repair guys must only ever see people smashing things up, doing really stupid things and behaving like complete tubes. Their work is increased by this kind of stuff, so as a result they are miserable bsatrdas. (no offence).