One year on.
I was in Dover today so I went to have a look at this garden we made over a year ago now.
I have been in a good mood all evening because how wrong was the maintenance man on this estate?
Quote: ‘after six months it will scraped up by a JCB as it will be dangerous because of vandleism’.
It has not been damaged in any way. None of the wood had been burnt and everything is intact. No graffiti and the plants are established.
So bollocks Mr Maintenance man, you knobhead, and all the miserable negative bastards like you.
I will admit that this was a very demanding project, but a feckin result innit. And a great advocation for community projects. I hope local authorities will continue to see the benefits of this kind of work. I know they have no resources now, but think longer term.
Wise medicine men with shamanisic powers, is that the role of artists in our society?