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Assessment Feedback

Today was assessment feedback day, after we did the peer assessments, the tutors assessed us and our feedback forms were waiting for us in the office this morning before our one to ones. We were assessed on our critical practice, studio practice and our research folios.

In terms of the results, it was kind of what I expected and a bit of a relief. Critical practice wise, I need to clarify my questions concerning fragmented imagery, confinement and nostalgia as ‘states of being’ in their relationships to geometric and grid-like structures. In terms of my new found interest in space, it’s been suggested that I look at the writings of Einstein, and his concept of space and time and how they are relative to the observer, Herman Minkowski’s conceptions of time as a fourth dimension of space. Also, Martin Heidegger’s essay on the ‘Concept of Time’ and Frederick Jamieson’s essay ‘The End of Temporality’.

For my studio practice, my peers had given me some feedback. They ask if the illuminosity changes the painting and the space and is it to contrast colour of geometry? They said that it feels very site specific, which it isn’t really, but I kind of get what they meant. They said that the work was aesthetically good in relation to space and that it is influecnced by architecture. It was noted that my strongest work (the work I had done a week prior in the project space) was stronger, but I made the decision to make a new piece for the wall space that I had. It has also been suggested that I experiement more with material play.

My one to one also gave me lots of suggestion. Artist’s such as Richard Ducker, Bram Bogart and Simon Callary were brought up in our conversation. I need to dig deep into my reasons for using my materials, such as the cement. There is the spiritual/personal reason, like Beuy’s use of wax to the more brutal use of materials like the bricks used by Carl Andre. My next few pieces of work need to deliberately challenge the ideas/comments brought up during this assessment process. All in all, it was refreshing for me to go through an assessment process for the first time in many years.