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What am I doing?

My recent practice has been concerned with layers, boundaries and journeys through spaces, as well as architectural forms. This has led me towards looking at the urban environment. Spaces that interest me range from small and awkward urban spaces to voids and desolate landscapes. Both these environments can create alienation. I also wish to explore town planning and surveillance as forms of control on society.

Geometric abstraction in painting conveys architectural forms and distorted space within the pictorial space. Spatial understanding and grids link abstraction in painting and the systems used by architects. Things exist in the real world, and the world that is created by the painting. These two worlds overlap.

My main area of research up to this point has been the anxieties that some people experience when confronted with these spaces. So far, Agoraphobia, a fear of being in a large open space with no clear means of escape, claustrophobia, the fear of being enclosed, cremnophobia, the fear of precipices and strasophobia, the fear of elevated areas. These conditions came to prominence during the late nineteenth century, as a side effect of modernism and the new metropolis’. 

Why am I interested in anxiety and why am I interested in this now? Am I asking deeper questions?