sometime around the end of last year a friend contacted me and asked if i could meet up with her and a friend who was embarking on a film project. i of course said yes and duly met up, shared some food and conversation and offered what help i could in relation to using music in her film.
just after i completed the recent iteration of my practice website i received a message from the woman with a question relating to the film. “can i do some recording?”
we exchanged correspondence and last night i spent a lovely couple of hours at her home with another mum and son recording some spot effects for the animated film.
it’s done me a world of good to feel useful and like i know what i’m doing as of late i’ve been really struggling with this.
this morning i’m still aware of putting recent set backs behind me and i suspect that over the coming months there will be moments when this proves to be a challenge.
it’s time to get loose ends tidied, to have a break and return recharged.