I’m holding a discussion next week as part of my research project at Phoenix Brighton and have invited a range of people to join me. The idea is to stimulate discussion which will help me think about and develop my project, The New Immortals.  I’m working with artist Susan Diab to plan the event and Susan will be chairing it and using her talent as a facilitator to tease out interesting discussions and, hopefully, keep us all focused. I’m planning a presentation using the lighthearted theme of Superheroes as a starting point to think about how we’ve moved on from sci-fi and fantasy tales of beings with special powers which enable them to regenerate, rejuvenate and resurrect from the dead, to todays cutting edge science and technology which begins to bring these one-time fantasies closer to reality. We’ll be thinking about some of the many questions raised about what life would be like in a world where people could live well beyond an age we currently consider to be normal and I’ll be hoping to find out what people feel are the really important things which we should all be talking about in an age of scientific miracles.