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I spent an enjoyable last Friday on A-N’s Granted: Dodge the Shredder training session led by the fascinating and engaging Emilia Telese. It’s about improving the chances of successful grant applications but its lessons translate throughout one’s practice.

I got loads of valuable things from the session but the three most vital for me were firstly that I need to simplify the language I use and avoid phrases only the art-initiated are likely to understand. I must also be more focused when I write using an introductory paragraph to give a strong overview of something in its entirety and supplying additional information in order of importance. Everything needs to be edited down to be as succinct and clear as possible. Finally, I’ll start using Telese’s art eco-system to plan each project, teasing out its description, philosophy, technical details, timetable, location, and benefits to the public and artist in a kind of mind-mapping exercise that takes place at the start of any new project.

Hopefully adopting this strategy will strengthen my practice but it leaves me with quite a lot of work to do over the Christmas period!

I’ve discovered loads of great resources for new artists on A-N, particularly a Signpost document I’m working through gradually to uncover how I can be more effective in managing my practice.