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In search of the unreal n.02, Digital film, 6 minutes 20 seconds long

It’s strange; although I made this film it feels somewhat mysterious and unfathomable. It grabs my full attention each time I see it. Just for a short time I’m present in the NOW of viewing as the saturation of images centres me, jostling and disrupting each other in a quietly insidious way.

My breathing slows.

I’m drawn to something uncertain hovering at the edge of my senses. Look carefully – thoroughly – enough and perhaps it will finally reveal itself?


‘Images that linger’, ‘painterly’ – comments from the audience when this film was screened at Analogue Ensemble’s Live Film and Performance Night in June 2016 as part of Whitstable Biennale Satellite. It’s due to be screened again on 2nd June 2016 at Ideas Test, Sittingbourne and from 9th to 24th July at CGP London Gallery by the Pool, London..


View a short extract from the full film here