Viewing single post of blog Year 3 Worcester University BA Fine Art

I want to try out some more screen prints again, I enjoy this process.

Its is a way for me to advertise the puppeteers game, ‘The great hoardings and the publicity neons of the cities of capitalism are the immediate  visible sign of ‘The Free World’ […]It proposed to each of us that we transform ourselves, or our lives, by buying something more. This more, it proposes, will make us in some way richer – even though we will be poorer by having spent our money.’ (John Berger, Ways of Seeing. 1972.)

I want to print using a screen printing process to portray my thoughts on a vicious circle. Wake Up. standing for a alert, attention. but I feel ‘wake up’ is more towards take note, open your eyes. ‘ The contrast between publicity’s interpretation of the world and the world’s actual condition is a stark one.’ (John Berger)

I want to put my own writing within the poster using screen printing. the idea I want in the world. This thing I want to portray through performance.

The above demonstrating the black and white version but I want some color in the image.

I was thinking of the color combination above. though the backdrop will not be the same. its will be more of a scrapping the prints different every time. I want to make 10 of the posters each one different I will do this by using a blank screen.

The first screen after the background will be the above I want to set the base for the print.

The second, the written piece. to allow for the written words to overlay on top of the first print.

Finally the border to give the NOTICE a hard matter of fact. John Berger (1972) states that capitalism survives by forcing the majority of people to have as narrow interests as possible it does this by imposing false standards.