Viewing single post of blog Year 3 Worcester University BA Fine Art

Michael Dean is known mainly for his sculpture work but I found this performance which relates to my performance Stretch. The shouting and Crowd control is something inspiring. This is something that I can take reference from. The performance is very simple, there is not a need for costume nor is there a need for props other than the book itself. It related in the crowd communication and the exchange that is present within the performance. There is something about an exchange within my work.


“Dean’s work deals with text as an interface between his experience and that of the audience. During face, he hands out single pages of a book with a recurrent text, before speaking and shouting , until the meaning and form of the words become distorted and abstracted.”

(Kunsthalle Basel. (2017) http://performanceaspublishing.com/contributors/michael-dean/#events/kunsthalle-basel/)