Just some pics of my lino prints using oil-based inks on Chinese book pages (I won the books as a prize ages ago when studying Chinese at Cambridge).

For the red images I tried black over red then red over black. Might do some with burnt sienna next to get a bit more of a brown colour to reflect a warmer coloured glaze.

I’ve also been doing more watercolour collages in preparation for an upcoming exhibition.

Mostly hunkering down indoors at home while the wind blows outside and the rain lashes down! Got rather cold in the studio yesterday.


Continuing with my printmaking ventures on Chinese book pages: this is a Lino print I made yesterday and am quite pleased with it. The simple shape of my little ceramic tripod vessel based on Chinese Shang Dynasty bronzes works really well so I am planning to do an edition of these.


I thought I’d put the whole set of monoprints I made the other day up together.


Had a great day making mono prints with an old friend from UCA days yesterday. We just did a load of prints on the kitchen table, clearing a space for lunch before getting into our stride in the afternoon. Making work with another artist can be so inspiring as well as fun.

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I have been painting as intended, using collage with a history of printed marks on old pieces of work that I have torn up.

The Trinity Buoy Wharf drawing prize is off to Leicester Gallery, De Montfort University and will be there from 21 February to 18 April 2020.

I have a couple of pieces of work in a local show and am quite pleased to have a detail of my image used for the flyer.

The print club I started is going well and some real skills sharing is beginning to happen which is wonderful. More and more artists are coming to Dover and there is a demand for hard-to-find studio space.